How I Grow My Lashes?

Welcome to our shell, guys!

I’m so excited to write and publish this post. You know my bad experience with Vaselline right? (If no, then go to my last post!). I don’t really have a full eyebrow and my lashes are not that visible, so it’s a dream for me to rock my looks with a full eyebrow and long, voluminous lashes. No joke. Sometimes, I don’t feel like going anywhere if I didn’t do my makeup because apparently, I have no eyebrows. And suddenly I’m losing my eyebrow hair? Worst.

Before (this was a random picture of me sending it to my friend, im sorry)

After third apply (can you see itt)

I had used it for the fourth time to be exact, and the result can be seen immediately. But, you know, rome doesn’t build in a day, so don’t expect to much.....but I think you can expect a fast result.....but not that much. But my eyebrow currently can be seen longer than before, and I liked it!

What did I used though? I mean, that’s the whole point of this post right? To clear things up, I’m using an organic one, so everyone can use it, jackpot. Back then, I thought petroleum jelly was a natural ingredient that isn’t chemical. Well, jokes on me. But here, today, right now, I’m going to tell you my secret,  of how I achieved a longer (and even stronger) eye lashes, eye brows, and bonus, hair! (I’m so in love with organic things) (legit)

The secret is, Castor oil! Yes, that’s it.

Before I’m telling you how, or stuff, I’ll be writing about what Castor oil is actually.

Castor oil, or the scientific name is Ricinus communis, is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant. Castor oil’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties make it an effective treatment for scalp infections. Its high protein content makes it very valuable to maintain hair health. Also, it helps with battle infections such as folliculitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the hair follicles. The unusually high content of ricinoleic acid in castor oil will improves blood circulation at the scalp, ensuring better nutrition for the hair follicles. This acid also helps balance the pH of the scalp. Castor oil is rich in antioxidants that support the keratin in hair, making it smoother, stronger, and less frizzy.

How to use it?
Instead of focusing on lashes, I’ll be showing you the other way you can use it, or even eat it. But bear in mind that I only used it on my hair, lashes, and eyebrows.

1.       For longer lashes
I usually do this every night, before sleep. All you have to do was make sure you do you night routine first, and then use a clear mascara wand (if you dont have one then use cotton bud, but without the cotton), dip it into the Castor oil, and apply it on your lashes like how you apply your mascara. Make sure to apply it on your lashes line too, to get it into the roots. Leave it overnight, and do it everyday, until you satisfied with the result. Your eyes might get puffy the next day because your eyes are working hard, so don’t worry.

2.       For thicker eyebrows
Similar to the lashes, but use it on you eyebrows. Do a forward-backward motion to make sure it get into the root. Again, leave it overnight.

3.       For hair growth
This is the definition of killing bird with two stones. You get a longer hair, with a healthy, shine and no fall hair as by applying Castor oil, it will prevent hair fall. All you have to do was go to bath, let your hair dry a little bit until there’s no water drop, but still damp, and apply the oil on the trouble part first. After putting at the hair loss spot, then you rubbed your hand with it and apply to you hair and scalp. The oil are quite thick so you might feel uncomfortable applying it, but beauty is pain, deal with it. Then, you may put on a shower cap or just leave it while doing your work. I have no shower cap so I just leave my hair like that, and wash it the next morning. Also, you need more shampoo to clean your hair from the oil, and you done. Do this two times a week because doing it more than twice a week doesn’t make any differences.

4.       Clears Acne
      The problem with most beauty products is that they strip the oil out of your skin. Each time your skin is robbed of oil, it compensates for the lack of moisture by producing more oil which leads to oily and inflamed skin that triggers acne. Don’t be afraid of applying oil to your skin because when you apply oil on your skin, your skin will stop producing more. The essential fatty acids that castor oil contains help in restoring the skin’s natural moisture balance. Apply castor oil gently on your face and massage in circular motions. You can even leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. You can also use steam to open your pores and help your skin absorb the oil better.

5.       Treats Wrinkles
Another piece of advice that William’s book offers is that castor oil can be a great natural remedy for wrinkles. It penetrates into the skin and boosts the production of collagen which softens and hydrates the skin. It rejuvenates the skin by making it softer and smoother. Apply a small amount of castor oil over the wrinkled area and leave it overnight.

6.       Reduces skin pigmentation
If you have extra oily skin, or potent acne, avoid this. Castor oil is an anti-pigmentation agent that is incredibly efficient. Many people attest to the abilities of castor oil for pigmentation on face and skin. Using castor oil twice in a day will help reduce pigmentation. All you have to do is apply a teaspoon of castor oil and massage your face in upward circular motions, concentrating on the problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Wash it with mild cleanser.

Where to get them?
For 150ml, RM22 while for 10ml with mascara wand and bottle, RM12. (exc postage)
Postage RM8(WM)/RM12(EM)
DM me on Twitter, Instagram, or just directly whatsapp me.
Twitter: @jzlnfrsh
Instagram: @jazlinfarisha

Yes, ad at its finest. But do help your girl out!
Toodles, love!

references: Style Craze


  1. Good babe... love you... btw is it truth boyfriend ir just a friend ???? 😂😂😂

    1. Im not sure whether I understand you or not but my boyfriend is a boyfriend


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