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Thoughts on Surgical Posting

Hi :) hehe I know I skipped my 2 nd year in medical school posting but listen, I spent my whole 2 nd year in my own house,,, so I don’t think I have the rights to say anything about it. I think I spent another 4 months with my online class during clinical year and finally get to spend 2 weeks on my surgical posting! It was supposed to be 1 month in the hospital, but lockdown happened, so we only have 2 weeks face to face session. We were supposed to have 2 months for each of our clinical posting (O&G, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics), but since we were having our lockdown, pkpp and all the pkps we have, we have to spend 1 month of each posting…online...and another 1 month face to face. (kinda shitty but no choice) I really don’t know how to actually make this post interesting, but please be reminded that I only have 2 weeks in the surgical wards. Firstly, I’ll talk about the things we need to do in surgical posting. I didn’t know anything about clinical year, like a

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